Great thanks to our Friends & Patrons!

Together we can make things happen. The Lepsien Art Foundation is living the principal of cultural responsibility and is supported by people sharing the same view on cultural responsibility and on the great interest and passion for art and culture.

Dirk Herzer
Founder of ARTBUTLER

Artbutler was set up in 2002 under the leadership of Dirk Herzer. The vision was quite simple: Create more time for art and clients! And do it with complete art management solutions. Today Artbutler is one of the leading providers in the field of integrated software solutions for galleries, artists and collections. Artbutler provides all required functionalities in one system, from contact date management, through image data capturing up to exhibition planning and storage management. Proposals and invoices are generated with one click only. What has happened? What’s happening? What will happen? Artbutler is providing the answers.

Artbutler is located in Berlin – the innovation stronghold and creative metropolis, is the ideal location for inspirational interaction with the international art world. The clients are anyone involved professionally or as a private passion with artists and art, for example gallery owners, artists, studios / workshops and collectors.

Originally formed out of project collaboration with the Berlin gallery Contemporary Fine Arts (CFA), artbutler since then developed its service and solution portfolio focussing strongly on the specific needs of the art world and the users.

The team led by Dirk Herzer is cooperating with the Lepsien Art Foundation, to help young, emerging artists with the first steps in the professional art market.

Elizabeth Markevitch
Founder of ikono

ikono is a media platform displaying and broadcasting visual arts, founded in 2006 by Elizabeth Markevitch. Through its two HDTV channels, ikonoMENASA (since December 2010), and ikonoTV (since December 2011), ikono broadcasts a unique program dedicated to the arts of all epochs, from antiquity to contemporary art—24/7 and in HD.

ikono’s program is shaped and produced in cooperation with more than 400 international artists and over 200 collections and archives, as well as the most important museums in the world.

ikono is cooperating with the Lepsien Art Foundation to share the vision of broadening the platform for art and culture.