Citylights – Christiane Bley in the Art Cube Luxembourg


The Luxembourgian artist Christiane Bley will be presenting her art works in the Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg.

Vernissage, 17. November 2016
17.30 pm

Art Cube of the Chambre de Commerce
7, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Luxembourg-Kirchberg




Group show Skipping Stones – Lea Kuhl

Lea Kuhl

Together with Sanaz Azizi, Anna Bart and Hannah Melnik, this year’s Grant Holder Lea Kuhl presents her recent art works in the Syker Vorwerk – Center for contemporary art in Syke.

Vernissage, 19. June 2016
12 pm


Waldstr. 76, 28857 Syke


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Vernissage Grants 15l16

International Grant Program Emerging Artist 15/16

We are cordially inviting you to our upcoming Grants 15/16 exhibition!

The 5 Grant Holders Mahsa Karimizadeh, Lea Kuhl, Nicolas Sanchez, Yorgos Stamkopoulos and Ben Greber, will exibit their recent art works in the Art House Düsseldorf. In adition the artbook Grants 15/16 and limited silkscreen edition will be presented. See you there!

Vernissage, 24. June 2016
7 pm

+presentation of #artbook #grants1516

+presentation of limited #silkscreen #artedition

Opening address by Cindy Tereba and Chrisitan Lepsien

Opening hours

14th June – 8th July 16


Art House l Mülheimerstr. 25

40239 Düsseldorf



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Fantastic – Ninakarlin Prinz and Swantje Lichtenstein in Jagla Ausstellungsraum

Ninakarlin Prinz

Artist Ninakarlin Prinz together with Swantje Lichtenstein will be presenting hers art works in Jagla Ausstellungsraum in Cologne. You are welcome to come!

Vernissage, 04. June 2016
7 pm

Jagla Ausstellungsraum

Hansaring 98, Cologne


Ninakarlin Prinz was LAF Grant Holder of the year 2012/13. Learn more.





Sans Titre – Armand Quetsch in the Art Cube Luxembourg

Sans Titre

The Luxembourgian artist Armand Quetsch will be presenting his art works in the Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg.

Vernissage, 14. June 2016
17.00 pm

Art Cube of the Chambre de Commerce
7, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, Luxembourg-Kirchberg

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